Exclusive: Dr. Ramón Tallaj on Why Having an MD Who Looks Like You is Vital to Your Health
Por: Nota de Prensa
The New York-based physician and Chairman of the Board for SOMOS Community Care talks about why proper health care takes cultural background into consideration. Very much like in Hollywood, feeling represented makes a big difference.
Whether you're at work or doing something as simple as looking for a health care provider, having someone that understands your cultural nuances is an experience that can be not only transformative but life-saving.
Dr. Ramón Tallaj, MD, a New York-based health care provider and the Chairman of the Board for SOMOS Community Care, was at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic when it first hit and acutely understands the need for Latinos to have someone in their corner who looks like them.
See Article: https://peopleenespanol.com/chica/mental-health-somos-community-care/
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